עמוד קודם
עמוד הבא

Yeshiva Tiferes Chaim (Apelbaum's) Promo Video

R' Matis Edelson: Do more hishtadlus! (In spirituality) Amazing Story of John Calabrie

Yeshiva Tiferes Chaim (Apelbaum's) Live Stream

Be like Hashem! Love others, and perfect yourself. R' Matis Edelson (Teruma)

Do you know who you are? Mishpatim

Never embarrass others, even criminals! Yisro Mishpatim

You have to be starving for Torah to taste the sweetness! (Yisro)

Being a Yid means feelings the pain of others. (Bein Adam L'chaveiro - B'shalach)

Getting inspired is not enough if you don't change yourself. (B'shalach)

You only gain when you give to others. (Bo)

You're Never In Control! (Bo)

Patience is the most important thing you need in the world! Va'eira

Who's in control? Your problems or Hashem? R' Matis Edelson Parshas Va'era

Is social media social or anti social? Feeling people's pain (Shmos). R' Matis Edelson

Mesiras Nefesh = Siyata Dishmaya! (Sh'mos 5779)

Respect every part of klal Yisroel, everyone has their job! (Vayechi)

Vayechi - Do you want a 750 room mansion FOREVER, or a pogo stick?

Give criticism! But do it right. (HD) R' Yisroel Apelbaum

Keep growing in life, or you are guaranteed to fall.

What to do if your wife uses your oil for her latkes... (Chanuka/Vayeishev)

This Chanuka, let your neshama rule your body.

Why the Maharil Diskin drank his tea with tablespoons of salt. - R' Matis Edelson

Don't underestimate your ability to change or inspire others.

Amazing things come in small packages! Value everything, including yourself. (Vayishlach)

Why would Rochel Imeinu want to blame a broken dish on her child Yosef?

To thine own self be true! You're only fooling yourself... (Rabbi Apelbaum - Vayeitzei) Fixed

To thine own self be true! You're only fooling yourself... (Rabbi Apelbaum - Vayeitzei)

Act like Yaakov Avinu and live a life of derech eretz.

Be a mentch (even under stress)!

You only gain from doing chessed!

R' Matis Edelson - Don't make your mistakes into an ideology. (Lech Licha)

Rabbi Elya Levin - Torah is the real thing!

Rabbi Shmuel Brazil - Get threshed like bread and wine. (Lech Licha)

Don't pollute your mind (Parshas Noach)

A wife is there to make you humble.

Push your bully of a yetzer horah off the cliff! (Yom Kippur)

Return to Hashem and enjoy this world and the next. Shabbos Shuva 5779

Take responsibility and stop blaming others. That's how you become great! (Rosh Hashana)

You wouldn't complain about things if you won a billion dollars!

Rosh Hashana is not New Years... It's knowing your roots.

Unplug your ears and let the message in.

Want life? Give life! (with a compliment)

Just be REAL, and be HAPPY on Rosh Hashona

Charity is not just giving money, it's thinking about the other persons needs.

Thanking others is not a weakness, it's a fundamental part of a Jew.

What are our priorities, and using this world to serve Hashem. (Matos Maasei)

The best segulos are in the Torah. Make peace to increase your blessings.

How to survive bein hazmanim with our forefathers powers.

Keep silent and diffuse. The danger of anger.

How to reach the hearts of our students and children. (Chukas)
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