עמוד קודם
עמוד הבא
[1321] Yeshayahu 32 - When fancy baloney titles won't be used any longer
[1320] Yeshayahu 31 - Running away from your issues won't help
[1319] Yeshayahu 30 - Your "Teacher" is within You
[1318] Yeshayahu 29 - Either you Bring Sacrifice or you Become The Sacrifice
[1317] Yeshayahu 28 - Listening to the message behind the words
[1316] Yeshayahu 27 - No Jew Will Be Left Behind
[1315] Yeshayahu 26 - Your life now won’t make sense
[1314] Yeshayahu 25 - New Definition of Emunah
[1313] Yeshayahu 24 - All are equal, some are more equal than others
[1312] Yeshayahu 23 - Destruction of Tyre
[1311] Yeshayahu 22 - Eat Drink & Be Merry For Tomorrow We Will Die
[1310] Yeshayahu 21 - By then you will grow ears! [AUDIO]
[1309] Yeshayahu 20 - The Emperor Has No Clothing!
[1308] Yeshayahu 19 - Needing Approval and our Need for Things
[1307] Yeshayahu 18 - Gog wont believe that Jews returned to Israel
[1306] Yeshayahu 17 - Being Free is Not Being Needy
[1305] Yeshayahu 16 - Why King David had to come from Moav
[1304] Yeshayahu 15 - Jews don't rejoice at our enemies downfall
[1303] Yeshayahu 14 - Jews will be brought as a gift to Mashiach
[1302] Yeshayahu 13 - The end of Bavel and those that forget they are just a messenger
[1301] Yeshayahu 12 - One day you will say "Thank you Hashem for my Pain!"
[1300] Yeshayahu 11 - Satmer and Lubavitch getting along is old news
[1299] Yeshayahu 10 - Sticks don't hit on their own
[1298] Yeshayahu 9 - "His hand remains outstretched" - to always accept you back!
[1297] Yeshayahu 8 - The historical background necessary to understand 7-9!
[1296] Yeshayahu 7 - What the Thinker Thinks, the Prover Proves
[1295] Yeshayahu 6 - Kedusha and why Yeshayahu got burnt on his mouth
[1294] Yeshayahu 5 - Exile is all in the mind!
[1293] Yeshayahu 4 Can you see the sky through your roof?
[1292] Yeshayahu 3 Youth standing up for themselves can be a good thing
[1291] Yeshayahu 2 Visions of world peace in today world
[1290] Yeshayahu 1 "I don't care about you frumkeit- what are you doing for the disadvantaged ?!"
[1289] Melachim 2 - 25 Hashem set up the seeds of redemption before the exile
[1288] Melachim 2 - 24 Even when we are exiled - our survival is guaranteed
[1287] Melachim 2 - 23 Why is most of Navi busy with Avodah Zarah?
[1286] Melachim 2 - 22 The hidden scroll with a frightening message
[1285] Melachim 2 - 21 You can't judge past generations based on today's norms
[1284] Melachim 2 - 20 Don't use your Spirituality to score points with others
[1283] Melachim 2 - 19 The Chizikyahu way of processing crises
[1282] Melachim 2 - 18 Don't get sucked into negative drama
[1281] Melqchim 2 - 17 No jew left behind, even those sent to other side of the Sambatyon! [AUDIO]
[1280] Melachim 2 - 16 Are Salamanders blood fire proof?
[1279] Melachim 2 - 15 The Leper King and the end of Malchei Yisrael
[1278] Melachim 2 - 14 Don't kill your enemies children
[1277] Melachim 2 - 13 Tanach is looking at the Big Picture
[1276] Melachim 2 - 12 Source of the Pushka and running responsible congregation finances
[1273] Melachim 2 - 9 Sometimes you get to live to see justice fulfilled
[1275] Melachim 2 - 11 The seed of King David gets saved
[1274] Melachim 2 - 10 Watch what you say!
[1272] Satmer Zionism - The Inner Perspective. Chaf Alef Kislev Ohr Shlomo Pomona (AUDIO)
עמוד קודם
עמוד הבא