![Short Dvar Torah for Shabat](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gQIiKJqWaBE/maxresdefault.jpg)
עמוד קודם
עמוד הבא
Maran HaRishon LeZion Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Beshalach: "Impact of Hatred"
Maran HaRishon LeZion Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Bo: "From Slaves to Riches"
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Maran HaRishon LeZion Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Vaera: "Don’t look for Excuses"
Maran HaRishon LeZion Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Shemot: "Serving Hashem in 3 Ways"
Maran HaRishon LeZion Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Vayigash: "Not to Lose Hope"
Maran HaRishon LeZion Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Miketz: "Emunah even in tough times"
Maran HaRishon LeZion Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Vayeshev: "Not to embarrass others"
Maran HaRishon LeZion Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Vayetzei: "Yes, we can!"
Maran HaRishon LeZion Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Toldot: "Blessings for those who Study Torah"
Maran HaRishon LeZion Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Chayei Sarah: "Our Struggles in Eretz Yisrael"
Maran HaRishon LeZion Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Vayera: "The power of Tears"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Lech Lecha: "Do because Hashem Said"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Noach: "Key to influencing others"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Nitzavim: "Power of Unity"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Ki Tavo: "It’s all from Hashem"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Ki Tetze: "Doing Good removes the Bad"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Shoftim: "Our Actions Influence others"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Re’eh: "Being merciful to others"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Eikev: "Lesson from Birkat Hamazon"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Vaetchanan: "Respecting the Torah and Chachamim"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Pinchas: "To Do Everything for Peace"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Balak: "Power of a Curse"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Chukat: "Protection via Tzadikim"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Korach: "To Follow the Truth"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Sh'lach Lecha: "Eretz Yisrael and Chachmei Yisrael"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Beha'alotcha: "Controlling our Emotions"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Nasso: "To conquer the Yetzer Hara"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Bamidbar: "Torah and the Desert"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Bechukotai: "We must all study Torah"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Behar: "Do as Hashem says"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Emor: "To Sanctify our Bodies"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Kedoshim: "How to be Holy"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Achrei Mot: "We All need to be Careful"
Rabbi David Yosef - Shabbat Hagadol: "What is True Freedom"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Tazria: "Importance of Learning Mussar"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat HaChodesh: "Praising Hashem for Everything"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Tzav: "Sensitivity to Poor people"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Zachor: "Our Key to Victory"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Vayakhel: "Give with your Heart"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Ki Tisa: "True leadership"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Tetzaveh: "Respect and Honor"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Teruma: "Start off Right"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Mishpatim: "Sensitivity to Others"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Yitro: "Influence of Torah Leaders"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Beshalach: "Doing Mitzvot Leshem Shamayim"
Rabbi David Yosef - Parashat Bo: "Making Mitzvot our first Priority"
עמוד קודם
עמוד הבא