עמוד קודם
עמוד הבא

[1220] Shmuel 31 - Shmuel Bais 1: Assisted suicide is not ok!

[1221] Shmuel Bais 2-3: When you cut off your nose to spite your face

[1222] Shmuel Beis 4-5: You still stay close even after the fight

[1223] Shmuel Beis 6-7: Dancing like a lunatic

[1224] Shmuel Beis 8-9-10: All about Cutting Half a Beard, Loyalty and Cripples

[1225] Shmuel Beis 11-12: Bas Sheva - how you move on in life after massive mess ups

[1226] Shmuel Beis 13 - Amnon and Tamar - When you don't deal with abuse

[1227] Shmuel Beis 14 - Never kill a good Mashul with your Nimshal

[1229] Shmuel Beis 15 - With good friends you will survive even the darkest times

[1230] Shmuel Beis 16 - Nobody ever cursed or harmed you on their own

[1231] Shmuel Beis 17 - Good advice doesn't always work

[1232] Shmuel Beis 18 - Dovid Hamelech doesn't play the Blame Game

[1233] Shmuel Beis 19 - Bni Avshalom Bni!

[1235] Shmuel Beis 20 - Sometimes you just need to keep difficult people

[1236] Shmuel Beis 21 - Some stories are beyond our comprehension

[1237] Shmuel Beis 22 - Insights into King Davids Song

[1238 ] Shmuel Beis 23 - Don't use your power to benefit yourself!

[1239] Shmuel Beis 24 - In the end sin can bring you full circle again
עמוד קודם
עמוד הבא