Reb Itzikel Skverer once said to his Chassid Reb Naftuli Dayan to go fundraising for him, and he comes to the home of a Gevir he knocks on the door but he’s sleeping so they have him seated, he picks up the closest Sefer and he opens it up, and it’s a Or Hachaim Hakodesh and he asks: How is it possible that the Meraglim – the holiest Yidden in the world, should mess up so bad? Because שלוחו של אדם כמותו, and the people who sent the Meraglim had a negative intention and that was Mashpia on them.
And he starts wondering and meditating on it until he realizes: Hey, the Rebbe sent me so I am the Rebbe, and he gets up and he starts pounding on the door and yelling the Rebbe is here, wake up, wake up, and he gets the guy out of bed. And when he came back to Reb Itzik’l and he tells him about his travels, and the Rebbe asks him “did you go to that guy?” And he says yes. “Nu…” asks the Rebbe, “and what does the Or Hachayim say?” Today.
Rabbi Shimon Semp, Rosh Yeshiva Talpios inspires through bringing Jewish spiritual concepts, with Chassidic Torah teachings down to earth. Collecting anecdotes, sayings and Divrei Torah from Chabad, Breslav and other Hasidic masters and Rebbes. Listen and get inspired.
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