Rashi asks: וקרח שפקח היה מה ראה לשטות זה – But what did Korach, who was astute, see to commit this foolishness? (Bamidbar 16:7)
The גימטריה of פקח is 198, which is two times 98 – צ”ד.
Said the holy Ropshitzer: Who is a Pike’ach – a wise man? Someone who is able to see both sides of an issue – two צ”ד + צ”ד – צדדים, he doesn’t get caught up in taking one side or another; instead, he says ‘ok, let’s work something out.’
קורח שפיקח היה – Korach who was a wise man – he had the ability to see both perspectives, מה ראה לשטות זו – why did he choose such a foolish path to only see his perspective? 🔥
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